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About the Episcopal Church
The Episcopal Life Welcomes you Pamphlet ENGLISH / SPANISH
Our Mission "Be one in Christ" "Ser uno en Cristo"
Nurture and unite people in the knowledge and love of God;
Help them discover and use their spiritual gifts; and
Grow the Kingdom of God by sharing Christ's love with all the people.
St. Margaret's & San Francisco de Asis offer numerous ministries, all of which seek to feed both those within our church community and those within the wider community in which we live and work.
The spiritual focus at St. Margaret's & San Francisco de Asis is on experiencing the love of God, being sustained by that love, and sharing it with the world. The love of God, also known as Grace, is the unconditional love, forgiveness, and acceptance God pours out upon us, allowing us to share in the very life of God. Christians come to know God's love through Christ - his life, death, and resurrection - and believe that as he shared his love with us, we are called to share it with others.
The congregation of St. Margaret's & San Francisco de Asis believes that all creation is called into a deeper life with God in Christ and prays that all who come to St. Margaret's & San Francisco de Asis may experience God's Grace and become empowered to share it with others.
God's call to St. Margaret's & San Francisco de Asis and its members is served through the parish's ministries, which were developed and organized around the five purposes revealed in the Bible. These five purposes, which guide all activities at St. Margaret's & San Francisco de Asis, are based on Matthew 22;37-39 (the Great Commandment) and on Matthew 28:19-20 (the Great Commission).
The Great Commandment… "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind… Love your neighbor as yourself."
The Great Commission… "Go therefore to all nations and make them disciples; baptizing them in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and teach them to observe all that I have commanded you."
Worship… Love the Lord with all your heart.
Outreach… Love your neighbor as yourself.
Growth and Evangelism… Go and make disciples.
Fellowship… Baptize them in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
Discipleship…Teach them to observe all that I have commanded you.
Altar Guild
Chalice Bearers
Flower Guild
Eucharistic Visitors
Lectors (Readers)
The Angel Tree
My Backyard After-School Program
Operation Christmas Child Greeters
Growth and Evangelism
Nehemiah Project
Newcomers' bread of Life
Newcomers' Breakfast
Small group Ministry
Fellowship Luncheons
Social Gatherings
Worship Receptions
Adult Educatio & Spiritual Retreats
Baptism & Confirmation Preparation
Bible Study
Children's Program (k-5)
Individual Spiritual Direction
Youth Group (Grades 6 - 12)
About You
We welcome you to be a part of our church
You are invited to be Baptized
You are welcome to be Married
You may receive Holy Communion
Our History
In 1943, an Episcopal congregation was formed in the City of Hialeah, Florida, and was initially named The Church of the Epiphany. This name was changed early on because of the confusion that occurred when it was realized that another local church had the same name. The congregation voted to change the Church’s name to St. Margaret’s Episcopal Church. The church building was located on N. W. 57th Avenue and 12th Street in Hialeah. The building was two stories high with the sanctuary located on the second floor. A large parish hall, a kitchen, and the Sunday school classrooms were located on the first level. The church was situated on a campus of approximately three acres of land.
Partly as a result of the heavy influx of Spanish-speaking residents into the City of Hialeah in the years that followed, a portion of the congregation moved to Miami Lakes; initially this portion or the “new” St. Margaret’s, met at the Miami Lakes Congregational Church, and eventually rented space in a local elementary school. The original Church or “old” St. Margaret’s in Hialeah became a Spanish-speaking Episcopal parish and was renamed La Divina Providencia. Land was subsequently purchased in Miami Lakes and a new building for St. Margaret’s was erected. The first celebration of Holy Eucharist in the new sanctuary was performed on Palm Sunday in 1983, several rectors served St. Margaret’s until 1988, when the Rev. Harold Elsner (R.I.P.) was called to the parish.
Father Elsner served at St. Margaret’s faithfully and well until his retirement in 1998. In talking with many parishioners who were present during Father Elsner tenure, it became evident that he was held in high leadership, Father Elsner brought many other talents to this growing community. He built by hand the altar that stands today at the front of St. Margaret’s. He was by all accounts a “one-man-show,” handling both the spiritual complexities and needs on people’s lives while at the same time repairing and maintaining much of the physical plant with his varied mechanical skills.
In 1993, a long-time parishioner of St. Margaret’s, Thomas G. Packham, died and bequeathed to St. Margaret’s a large sum of money that not only satisfied the mortgage on the Church building but also provided for a capital improvement fund. During the next three years, the growth of St. Margaret’s congregation to the point that plans for an additional building were formulated. The Diocese of Southeast Florida awarded St. Margaret a grant, and ground was broken in November 1996 for new building that would house classrooms, a kitchen, a multi-purpose activity room, and an office for a church-based preschool. Father Elsner was closely associated with the design and subsequent construction of the building, which was completed in early 1998. The parish hall was inaugurated on May 10, 1998.
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