Please click here and make a credit card donation. You can set it up for one time payment, weekly or monthly.
If you wish to make a stewardship donation to the office in person please do not hesitate to call us or come by and see us or mail it to our mailing address:
15650 Miami Lakeway North
Miami Lakes, Florida 33014

The Rev’d Peter Gomes: Biblical Wisdom for Daily Living
- What is a Pledge?
A pledge is a commitment to sustain the life of one’s community.
A community, such as Church of the Epiphany, is built on commitment: the commitments of its members’ time, talent and treasure. A commitment of time and talent builds and anchors us in relationships with one another and through that with Christ. Pledges of treasure sustain our physical space for worship, the earthly presence of a priest to guide us in worship, and the bread and wine that unites us with Christ each week in the Holy Eucharist. It also helps us with outreach to continue our mission to God’s poor and needy.
- Why should I pledge?
For Episcopalians, a pledge is sought and given voluntarily each year. It is a renewal of our commitment. Thus, a pledge holds and engages parishioners in relationship to Christ, to one another, to the communion of Anglicans, to Christians every where and to all those who seek the divine one.
We live in uncertain times. Our lives and fate often feel bent, twisted and shaped by forces outside of our control—economic, social, political and natural. One disaster seems to surge upon the heels of another. And yet, we are offered solace in and through Christ. We ensure this solace for others, our children and ourselves when we commit, when we pledge each year.
- How much should I pledge?
How much one pledges is an intentional and spiritual decision.
When we are intentional, we set aside a portion to be given. For Christians, a tithe or ten percent, for one’s charitable giving is suggested in the Bible. That charitable giving—or tithe—may be spread across many organizations.
Our goal in stewardship is to reflect upon our giving and spending—that we do it wisely and intentionally. We ask that you reflect upon, pray about and try to work toward proportional giving in your pledge and all your charitable giving. This also includes your time and talents offered to God.
Through our commitments we are known and make Christ known to and alive in the world.