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Blue Christmas Service Saturday, December 21st 7pm.

For some in our community “Merry Christmas!” is a painful greeting. Those who are grieving—or anticipating--the loss of a loved one, suffering from serious illness or addiction, or dealing with any family crisis, may find the inescapable Christmas carols, bright decorations and expectation of rejoicing a cruel contrast to their feelings of sadness and isolation.

 Many churches have begun to recognize that their joyous celebrations of Christmas may not be ministering to those most in need of “comfort and joy.” To meet this need churches have begun to develop “Blue Christmas” services, at which people who are not having a very merry Christmas, along with friends who support them, are invited to come together in a service of solace and healing..

Our service will feature quiet hymns for Advent and Christmas and the lighting of candles with prayers for the losses and anxieties that worshipers are bearing. There will also be a celebration of the Mass, with intentions for healing and comfort for all present and their families. We invite you to join us in this very special service honoring Christmas in unique and moving way.

Church of the Epiphany

formerly St Margaret's Episcopal Church

15650 Miami Lakeway North

Miami ​Lakes, Florida 33014

Office: (305) 558-3961 Fax: (305) 362-7359

Copyright 2023

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