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Parish Ministry Plan---Addendum---January 2011
St. Margaret's & San Francisco de Asís Episcopal Church
Miami Lakes
Parish Ministry Plan---Addendum---January 2011
“Stewardship is Christian Living”
Father Richard Aguilar has been a stewardship consultant to parishes and past
member of Episcopal Church Standing Commission on Stewardship and
Development. In 2011 St. Margaret's & San Francisco de Asís in Miami Lakes
will engage in a year-round process of Stewardship. These include teachings on:
Annual Giving of Stewardship---Pledges and Sunday offerings
Capital Giving of Stewardship---Contributions to Property & Facilities
Legacy Giving of Stewardship---Including the church in one's will
Missionary Giving of Stewardship---Be pray-ers, send-ers, & go-ers to the world
Appointed Stewardship Council will work with Vestry and Priest with the above
vision of Stewardship in all four areas. Council will imagine and create a
comprehensive plan to include all parishioners in the stewardship of the church.
Communication will entire community will take place in an honest and hopeful
conversation. Every parishioner will be given the chance to give to their church.
All ideas will be considered and unique forms of fund-raising will be sought.
Proven events such as parish picnic, BBQ on church grounds, Lenten Seder, and
High Tea will be principal opportunities for revenue. Ministry groups will be
encouraged to find ways to raise money for mission of the Church.
There will be a thorough review of income statements and balance sheets every two
weeks by priest, office manager and treasurer. A report will be made to vestry each
month with the goal of finding solutions. As in the recent past, both the
expenditure and revenue sides of budget will be examined. There remain
additional parts of the budget where consolidation and even subtraction may take
place. For example, in 2010 a part-time secretary was no longer employed. A
volunteer office manager (retired OB-GYN) was appointed and church volunteers
assist each week with administrative tasks. While our budget does not have much
fat: there may be more to trim in order to direct resources toward ministry for
This plan will be fleshed out in coming weeks with a foundation that is Biblical,
theological, practical and spiritual. Our hope is to inspire our community that
“Stewardship is the Main work of the Church.” Praise God!
Parish Ministry
Saint Margaret’s & San Francisco de Asís Episcopal Church
in Miami Lakes, Florida
Episcopal Diocese of Southeast Florida
Parish Ministry Plan---January 2011
Saint Margaret’s of Scotland (SMS) Episcopal Church in Miami Lakes and San Francisco de Asis (SFA) congregation agreed to a covenant relationship in March 2009. Upon this decision the Rev. Richard Aguilar was called to be priest in charge to begin this new ministry on June 1, 2009. The Rev. Aguilar is a bilingual cleric having served in Texas and Ohio in various capacities of multicultural and Latino/Hispanic ministry.
This covenant is facilitated by several factors:
§ SFA has been worshiping and meeting on the campus of SMS since 2002 when the now Rt. Rev. Mary Gray-Reeves was rector. Therefore, there is a familiarity of space, leadership and function among both congregations. However, relationship was one of landlord and tenant although there has been a sense of collaboration and cooperation.
§ Also, both SMS and SFA are multicultural congregations with parishioners from throughout the world including Africa, Europe, Central and South America, Caribbean islands, & the United States. There is a great opportunity to hold up the international heritage of this community as a source of unity.
§ Furthermore, both SM and SFA may be characterized as congregations in transition. Demographic factors such as residents moving to other locations, graying of parishioners, and new peoples in the vicinity are specific realities. A high percentage of persons can be considered cradle or long-time Episcopalians/Anglicans.
Therefore, the Office of the Bishop with the Ven. Tom Bruttell, Archdeacon facilitated this opportunity for both SM and SFA. Father Aguilar was contacted in January 2009, interviewed with vestries of both SM and SFA, had dialogue with Archdeacon Bruttell, Archdeacon Hobbs and Bishop Frade about the nature and scope of this potential ministry. Upon consensus from SM and SFA vestries, Archdeacons and the Bishop, the Rev. Aguilar was called to serve in this new venture for the Diocese of Southeast Florida.
Northern Miami-Dade county and southern Broward county are increasingly multicultural and diverse in their population. The Town of Miami Lakes has been an historically stable and middle-class community. Recent Census information reveal that Miami Lakes is now almost 70% Hispanic. Average age of Hispanic persons in the United States is 25 years old. The mission of the Church has fertile ground to share the Gospel through this new Episcopal community in Miami Lakes. Therefore, we are now called, Saint Margaret’s & San Francisco de Asis Episcopal Church in Miami Lakes. Here are features of our community in Christ:
Vision: “Be One in Christ”
Mission: “Seeking, Sharing, Serving the Gospel”
Values: Respect Guidelines according to the Rev. Dr. Eric Law “Respect to another person is source of peace.” President Benito Juarez, Mexico, 19th century (contemporary & friend of President Abraham Lincoln)
2011 goals: Continue to hold up vision, mission and values at all gatherings of the parish especially Sunday worship, vestry and team ministry meetings
1 “ Offer one’s best to the glory of God;”
2 Stewardship is center point of a Christian community;
3 giving to God in annual, legacy, capital and mission offerings
2011 goals: Continue to build on Stewardship growth from 2009 to 2010; implement a year-round plan of giving to God and the church
Four Corners of Church Life (according to Bill Easum):
1. Administration: Office, Staff, Communication, Calendar
2. Worship: Liturgy, Sunday teams, Special services and Holy Days
3. Discipleship: Leadership development, Evangelism, Parish Care; Education and Spiritual formation; Renewal and Fellowship
4. Outreach: Local and Global; MyBackyard after school program; world mission; ministries to feed the hungry; Diocese of Southeast Florida; The Episcopal Church; partnerships with anyone with walks in God’s Name
2011 goals: 1. Continue to develop Administration priorities including office staff, weekly newsletter, parish website, online Bible study, video-blog, parish pictorial directory, and planning calendar; 2. Continue to offer creative liturgy including bilingual worship, Rock music Sunday, new prayers, outdoor services, and other work of the people of God; 3. form a Discipleship team for the overall ministry of the church to enhance the praying, studying, working, and giving of parishioners; 4. Contribute again to special concerns such as Haiti, Food for the Poor, Blood Bank, Miami Rescue Mission, Episcopal Charities and develop new vision for MyBackyard after-school ministry of the church since 2002
Congregational Priorities:
1. Be an active participant in the Nehemiah process;
2. Partner with Hispanic/Latino Ministry at Diocesan (Southeast Florida), Provincial (Province of Sewanee--IV), and the Episcopal Church (The Rev. Canon Anthony Guillen, missioner);
3. collaborate with the mission and ministry of Diocese of Southeast Florida
4. Seek out resources and opportunities to enhance congregational growth
2011 goals: 1. Invite and include more parish leaders to Nehemiah events including monthly trainings and Saturday workshops; 2. Continue to develop relationships with partners in ministry at all levels of the Episcopal Church; 3. continue to participate in the varied offerings of the Diocese of Southeast Florida including Cursillo, Trinity Cathedral, conferences, Special services, etc.; 4. Use all the above and beyond to learn and utilize “best practices.”
SM & SFA in Miami Lakes Objectives:
1. Be a missionary outpost of the Diocese of Southeast Florida;
2. Be a Christian community who makes a difference in the world;
3. Be a people who transform lives in the Holy Spirit; and
4. Become an healthy congregation of the Episcopal Church
St. Margaret's & San Francisco de Asís in Miami Lakes Requests the Nehemiah Mortgage Freeze
The annual mortgage of $________________ will be used to fund the new priest in charge’s position for the next two years. These funds will allow the parish to stabilize financially and grow additional ministries as they emerge in our parish life.
Priest Ministry Plan
Saint Margaret’s & San Francisco de Asis Episcopal Church in Miami Lakes Personal Ministry Plan---January 2011---Father Richard J. Aguilar
Personal Vision: “Always learning in Christ”
Personal Mission: “Live the whole Gospel”
Personal Core Values: Care, Offer, Respect, Encourage (CORE)
Personal Goals: be a person of prayer, health, laughter, and healing
Continuing Education: Fellow- in-residence at the School of Theology in Sewanee, Tennessee from February 22 to March 5, 2011
Identify Areas of Responsibility: Spiritual and Visionary Leader; Worship Coordinator; Pastor & Evangelist; Preacher & Teacher; Head of Staff; Convenor of Vestry; Director of Team Ministry; Diocese of Southeast Florida (including Dean, North Dade, Nehemiah, Trustee to Sewanee) and the Episcopal Church (including Province IV ministry & Forward Movement board); and Community & Civic roles
Current Reality: I came to Miami Lakes in June 2009 to be priest among God's people; Expectation includes spiritual turnaround & to bring together two congregations who yearn to know and make known the Good News of Christ; Hear the hearts in the community & listen to voice of God; Examine attitudes (repentance), explore awareness (reconciliation), and engage in action (restoration) in order to follow Jesus and make Disciples of Christ
1. Continue to pray for, work among, play with and gather leaders of this new community in order to review priorities in areas of Administration, Worship, Discipleship, Outreach and Stewardship
2. Evaluate what is going well and what can do differently
3. Plan and prepare for 2011 and beyond
1. Seek out “best practices” for all areas of ministry from Nehemiah, clergy colleagues and other sources
2. Come together with SMS & SFA leadership to establish covenant priorities including an unified budget, new by-laws & new articles of incorporation, and “bin” (mutual miscellaneous) concerns
3. Report regularly to Office of Bishop and other diocesan structures to ensure communication and accomplishment of goals
4. Utilize knowledge and experience almost 25 years of ordination in the Episcopal Church and over 54 years of Christian formation in multicultural America
5. Offer talents and gifts in congregational development, stewardship; and multicultural ministry to lead, facilitate, and inspire our new community in Miami Lakes
Personal Self-care plan:
Pray daily & often with regular Spiritual Direction
Seek healthy living especially exercise, diet & rest
Daily show my wife Janet and daughter MICHELLE that I love them
Maintain communication with friends and family scattered throughout this country and the world
In all things, serve Christ & share the Gospel
Get ready to send our daughter off to college!
Holy Scripture foundations:
“...God so created human beings in God's image...” Genesis 1:27
“(Nothing)..shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Romans 8:39
“..prepare God's people for works of service, so that the Body of Christ may be built up.” Ephesians 4:12
“They devoted themselves to apostles’ teaching and fellowship, to the breaking of bread, and the prayers.” The Acts of the Apostles, 2:42
“This is the day the Lord has made: let us rejoice and be glad in it.” Psalm 118:24
“As for me and my household, we shall serve the Lord.” Joshua 23:15
“my house shall be called a house of prayer for all peoples.” Isaiah 56:7
“Let us go forth in the name of Christ.”
“Thanks be to God!”